Developing Firefox extensions could be rough but shouldn’t be. here are few techniques to smooth out the process 1. Dev Console Access all extension logs by visiting about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox and clicking on the Inspect button to see console.log logs. For background scripts, you can see the logs also in the browser console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J 2….
TCP/UDP hole punching or NAT traversal works as following: A and B are behind NAT and want to communicate, while you have public relay server, S. 1. A connects to S, B connects to S 2. S send A ip and port to B, and send B ip and port to A 3. One of…
RNN or CNN, that’s the question. so what should you use? Let the battle begin So speech recognition is a very broad task. People use speech recognition to do speech-to-text on videos, a pre-recorded data which you can go back and forth between past and future and optimize the output a couple of times. On…
There’s a lot of controversial discussion over the internet about achieving accurate sleep function on Windows platforms. The problem is most of them are very old and with the introduction of multicore processors many of the older functions break down but this is not the case in 2023. Nowadays you can easily call the cross-platform…
The Windows 10 may restart unexpectedly. In order to find out why you can execute the following command: wevtutil qe System /q:”*[System[(EventID=41) or (EventID=1074) or (EventID=6008)]]” /c:1 /f:text /rd:true If the case is Operating System: Service pack (Planned), set the following registry key to disable automatic Windows update restart: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers
Previously, we learned we needed to put our callback function in a separate DLL and then load that DLL in another program. So you did that you create a separate dll, you put the callback there you call the SetWindowsHookEx function to set up the callback, But the callback doesn’t get called at all. So…
Previously we discussed why it isn’t required to inject the DLL containing the callback to every application you need to set a hook on. In this post, we are going to see if it’s possible to create a hook or a global Hook with SetWindowsHookEx function without using any sort of DLL. There is this…
There was this special application that I wanted to intercept all Windows messages for a specific remote processor. For that, I came to SetWindowsHookEx function but in order to install this hook on an external application you cannot do that simply by calling this function inside your code because it will fail with the following…
Batch Size: There is no such a thing as batch size, there’s only mini batch size which is number of the samples you train your model on before updating the weight and biases but sometimes programmers just drop the mini in the term, and use batch sizes instead so basically batch size is exactly the…
Are you tired of entering your password for sshing into a remote server? Are you tired of verifying host fingerprint changes every time? Use this golden ssh command and save your valuable time ssh -o “StrictHostKeyChecking no” -i ~/Documents/identify root@ip echo “y\n” | HOSTNAME=`hostname` ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “$HOSTNAME” -f “$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa” -P “” # copy…